Explanations of & Approaches to Christianity
What is Christianity? - some thoughts from us
Billy Graham - respected information from the world's leading evangelist
2 Ways to Live - with God or without him
4 Points - there is nothing God wants more than to love you & be loved by you
Chat Now - live chat with a Christian who cares, read articles or download meetJ app
Becoming a Christian - simple and straightfoward approach
Who is Jesus? - a liar, a lunatic, or Lord?
Uncover - an examination of the evidence about the life and purpose of Jesus
Christian Answers - common questions and answers about Christianity
I am Second - inspiration to find your purpose in life
Power to Change - find out how God is working in people's lives & get involved
Try Praying - how to ask God to speak to you & help you, with real examples of what happened to some people when they tried praying
Christian Enquiry Agency - what Christians believe, FAQs, how to read the Bible
... or search for "Becoming a Christian" on Google for more sites
Bible Resources
World-wide Study Bible - compendium of resources for any Bible book or passage
Spurgeon's sermons - indexed by passage or topic
Sermon Audio - hear preachers like Leonard Ravenhill, A W Tozer etc.
Also worth a look are these apps: Logos, Bible Gateway, Bible, BibleProject &
Devotional (Daily)
Hope Spaces - for the spiritually curious to explore prayer
Also worth a look are these apps Lectio 365 & Glorify
Apologetics - arguments and evidence for Christianity, both written and audio, from UCCF
Christian Classics - authors like Augustine, Calvin, John Donne, Ignatius of Loyola, Watchman Nee, Julian of Norwich, Origen, C H Spurgeon & Hudson Taylor and classics like "The Dark Night of the Soul", "The Cloud of Unknowing", "The Imitation of Christ", "The Pilgrim's Progress", "The Practice of the Presence of God" & "The Rule of St Benedict".
Christianity Magazine< - archive articles, book, music & web reviews.
Faith Writers - real experiences of ordinary people making mistakes, learning and growing in the Christian life.
Christian Radio Feeds - listen to UK Christian Radio
Our Privacy Policy - how we look after your personal information.
Local Information
Find activities and services in Kingston
Local Projects for Older People
Find a Counsellor or Psychotherapist
Organisations which the church supports
Street Pastors - engaging with people on the light-night streets of Kingston, to care, listen and dialogue
Kingston Foodbank - emergency food for local people in crisis
Home Mission - supporting new & struggling churches in the UK
Vianova - Mission in Belgium
Organisations which the church is affiliated to