
Explanations of & Approaches to Christianity

What is Christianity? - some thoughts from us

Billy Graham - respected information from the world's leading evangelist

2 Ways to Live - with God or without him

4 Points - there is nothing God wants more than to love you & be loved by you

Chat Now - live chat with a Christian who cares, read articles or download meetJ app

Becoming a Christian - simple and straightfoward approach

Who is Jesus? - a liar, a lunatic, or Lord?

Uncover - an examination of the evidence about the life and purpose of Jesus

Christian Answers - common questions and answers about Christianity

I am Second - inspiration to find your purpose in life

Power to Change - find out how God is working in people's lives & get involved

Try Praying - how to ask God to speak to you & help you, with real examples of what happened to some people when they tried praying

Christian Enquiry Agency - what Christians believe, FAQs, how to read the Bible

... or search for "Becoming a Christian" on Google for more sites

Bible Resources

World-wide Study Bible - compendium of resources for any Bible book or passage

Spurgeon's sermons - indexed by passage or topic

Sermon Audio - hear preachers like Leonard Ravenhill, A W Tozer etc.

Also worth a look are these apps: Logos, Bible Gateway, Bible, BibleProject &

Devotional (Daily)

Hope Spaces - for the spiritually curious to explore prayer


Oswald Chambers

UCB Word for Today


Faith Gateway

Also worth a look are these apps Lectio 365 & Glorify 


Apologetics - arguments and evidence for Christianity, both written and audio, from UCCF

Christian Classics - authors like Augustine, Calvin, John Donne, Ignatius of Loyola, Watchman Nee, Julian of Norwich, Origen, C H Spurgeon & Hudson Taylor and classics like "The Dark Night of the Soul", "The Cloud of Unknowing", "The Imitation of Christ", "The Pilgrim's Progress", "The Practice of the Presence of God" & "The Rule of St Benedict".

Christianity Magazine< - archive articles, book, music & web reviews.

Faith Writers - real experiences of ordinary people making mistakes, learning and growing in the Christian life.

Christian Radio Feeds - listen to UK Christian Radio

Who are Baptists?

Our Privacy Policy - how we look after your personal information.




Local Information

Hampton Wick Association

Hampton Wick Directory

Teddington Town

Kingston Online

Find activities and services in Kingston

Local Projects for Older People

Hampton Court Palace

Bushy Park

Hampton Wick Surgery

Find a Counsellor or Psychotherapist

Find a Christian Counsellor

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Organisations which the church supports

Street Pastors - engaging with people on the light-night streets of Kingston, to care, listen and dialogue

Kingston Foodbank - emergency food for local people in crisis

Home Mission - supporting new & struggling churches in the UK

Vianova - Mission in Belgium

Organisations which the church is affiliated to

Baptist Union

London Baptist Association

Thames Valley District

BMS World Mission

The Baptist Times